The exhibition IA BETWEEN TRADITION & MODERNITY hosted by St. Miron & Nicolae Church, presented the art photography project HYPERBOREAN FOLKLORE on the 5th of August, created by Iraida Florea and photographed by Ana Druga, Pierre Vauvillier & Iraida Florea. We show our deep appreciation to the hosts who supported us for the realization of this exhibitions: Preot Paroh Stelian Lăcătuş and Preot Marian Tennesse (Marian Tănase).
The models participating to this project are beautiful young women who experienced an unique story during the project development and who will travel the world with it; thank you to Andreia Sachelia Moga, Anamaria Ungureanu, Yeri Han, Amalia Stoenescu. A big thank you to all the great team who worked with us for the realisation of these 7th editions: make up artist Anca-Maria Sachelia, makeup & hair stylist Corcodel Larisa, assistants: Florea Eugen, Ana Florea, Mioara Costache, Alexia Gadaldi and Alexandru Sachelia.
Thank you to all great people supporting us in this project and to all guests who enjoyed the amazing tradition-modernity twist next to u
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Expozitia IA ÎNTRE TRADIŢIE ŞI MODERNITATE gazduita de Biserica Sf. Miron si Nicolae din Bucuresti a prezentat proiectul de fotografie artistica HYPERBOREAN FOLKLORE creat de Iraida Florea si fotografiat de Ana Druga, Pierre Vauvillier si Iraida Florea. Multumim celor care ne spijina si ne ocrotesc in acest proiect si suntem recunoscatori tuturor celor care au fost alaturi de noi la Vernisajul expozitiei.